Shortcodes – Player



Avg. Kills
In career
Avg. Deaths
In career
Avg. Assists
In career
0%Win Rate

Player Stats


Total Kills In career 0
Total Deaths In career 0
Total Assists In career 0
Total Gold In career 0
Total Damage In career 0
Creep Score In career 0

Player Stats

Total Kills In career 0
Total Deaths In career 0
Total Assists In career 0
Total Gold In career 0
Total Damage In career 0
Creep Score In career 0

Player Game-by-Game Stats

Datum Versus Ergebnisse

Player Newslog

  • Pro Gamer The Destroy (James Spiegel) has joined the League of Heroes Alchemists team!
    January 7, 2020
  • The Destroy (James Spiegel) has left the Xenowatch Clovers team!
    October 22, 2018
  • The Destroy has won the League of Heroes World Tournament!
    April 13, 2018

Komplette Karriere

SaisonMatches playedHLTVRounds WonPunkte pro MapKills per roundKillsDeathsCSAssistsADRK/DMVPsCreep ScoreGoldPunkteAvg. KillsAvg. DeathsAvg. AssistsADRAvg. DamageKills P.Win Rate

Player List

RangSpielerMannschaftCharacterKillsDeathsCSAssistsADRGoldAvg. KillsAvg. DeathsAvg. AssistsAvg. DamageKills P.Win Rate
1sonezuBraunschweig eSports.CSAWP, IGL117211290249924014.313.83.021.0025.0
2kennyBraunschweig eSports.CSEntry7616230178655019.516.04.631.2028.6
3BouncyKnightBraunschweig eSports.CSSupport5396060152524012.814.43.621.8033.3
4AndiAnanasBraunschweig eSports.SMASH0000000.
5der_zonkBraunschweig eSports.CSSupport7369350214630015.019.14.422.5017.9